Opioid & Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse, whether Opioid or other prescription drugs, alcohol, or smoking are often the result of a reaction to pain. Opioid addiction may occur due to prolonged or inappropriate pain treatment to an injury or recovery from surgery. Heroin used recreationally can be a reaction to mental pain or anxiety brought on by environmental or circumstantial situations. “Self medicating” with alcohol or some other recreational drug can be the result of stress or depression. Smoking can even be a means of coping with anxiety.
Revival Pain Management want you to know that whatever the reason for your addiction, you will not be judged but treated with respect and dignity. We understand that addiction is often not a choice, but comes about gradually until it is out of control. The best solution for treating addiction is to have a comprehensive recovery plan of integrative treatment methods that may include, but is not limited to medication, physical medical treatments, nutritional supplements, behavioral modification, or mental health counseling. At Revival, we treat the whole patient, so a customized recovery plan ensures the best success for sobriety. Our extensive professional training in Osteopathic medicine, anesthesiology, pain management, and addiction medicine make us uniquely qualified to treat almost any physical addiction.
Opioid Addiction Clinic in Elkin, North Carolina
Addiction is a treatable condition in which an action that started as pleasurable eventually feels like something you can’t live without. Revival Pain Management takes an integrative and interventional approach to addiction resulting from pain.
Drug or medicine addiction is defined by medical professionals as an irresistible craving for a drug, out-of-control and compulsive use of the drug, and continued use of the drug despite repeated, harmful consequences. Opioids are especially addictive, mainly because they activate powerful reward centers in your brain. The drug triggers the release of endorphins, your brain’s pleasure neurotransmitters, which will mask your perception of pain and boost good feelings, creating a temporary but powerful sense of well-being. As the opioid wears off, the person wants to have those good feelings back as soon as possible. Over time, opioids cause your body to produce fewer and fewer endorphins, which creates a tolerance. This tolerance is one of the main reasons why people develop opioid addiction and are driven to increase their dosage more and more to feel relief.
Dr. Novembre talks about our treatment for Substance Addiction
Other Causes of Opioid Addiction and Substance Abuse
Any person who is taking opioids is at risk of developing addiction. While it’s impossible to predict which individuals are more vulnerable to abuse and or eventual dependence on opioids, here are some contributing factors of opioid, as well as other physical addiction:
- Length of time taking opioids of any other addictive substance
- Environmental factors such as poverty, abusive relationships, stressful circumstances, or regular contact with high-risk people
- History of severe depression or anxiety
- Age
- Gender
- Genetic predisposition
- Psychological factors and mental disorders
- Unemployment
- Family or personal history of substance abuse
- Personal history of substance abuse
- Risk-taking or thrill-seeking behavior
- Heavy tobacco, recreational drug, or alcohol use

We Provide Help for Addiction
If you’re taking opioids and you’ve developed tolerance, or you have an addiction of any kind, ask your doctor if Revival Pain Management is the right fit for you. With an integrative approach to pain and addiction management, Revival offers safe choices available to help you make a change while still addressing the pain. If you’re living with chronic pain, opioids are not the safest nor most-effective effective long-term treatment option. Many treatment options are available, including less-addictive pain medications and nonpharmacological therapies. Revival Pain Management has a soboxone treatment clinic supervised by a Board CertifiedAddiction Physician Specialist and can create a personalized treatment plan that will help you return to a more normal life.
Important: If you are currently taking an opiate, do not stop without a doctor’s help. Quitting opioid medications abruptly can cause severe side effects. The professionals at Revival can help you taper off opioids slowly and safely.